Jyväskylä 17.-18.3.2005
Viime torstain ja perjantain vietin Jyväskylässä Suomen musiikintutkijoiden symposiumissa - netistä löytyy symposiumin esitelmien abstraktikirja ja laajempi artikkelijulkaisu (molemmat pdf-tiedostoina), joukossa oma esitelmäni/artikkelini "Tanssintutkija osana kenttäänsä".
Merjan kanssa herätimme torstaina huomiota yhteensopivalla vaatetuksellamme, joka oli tosin täysin sattumaa. Lisää kuvia mm. Suomen etnomusikologisen seuran hallituksen kokouksesta voi katsella klikkailemalla alla olevia linkkejä.
Last week I spent too days in Jyväskylä at the symposium of Finnish music researchers, you can find the abstracts and later also the papers (try the links above), but most of them are in Finnish. On thursday my good old friend Merja and I happened - unintentionally, I swear - to wear matching clothes, as you can see on the photo. You can look at some more photos through the links below, most of them are from the meetings of the Finnish Society for Ethnomusicology, which were held on Friday.
Links to other photos (on flickr): [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
Merjan kanssa herätimme torstaina huomiota yhteensopivalla vaatetuksellamme, joka oli tosin täysin sattumaa. Lisää kuvia mm. Suomen etnomusikologisen seuran hallituksen kokouksesta voi katsella klikkailemalla alla olevia linkkejä.
Last week I spent too days in Jyväskylä at the symposium of Finnish music researchers, you can find the abstracts and later also the papers (try the links above), but most of them are in Finnish. On thursday my good old friend Merja and I happened - unintentionally, I swear - to wear matching clothes, as you can see on the photo. You can look at some more photos through the links below, most of them are from the meetings of the Finnish Society for Ethnomusicology, which were held on Friday.
Links to other photos (on flickr): [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
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