Tieteellinen edistysaskel / Progress in research
Junamatkalla Joensuusta Helsinkiin keksin yllättäen väitöskirjani disposition. Tai ainakin jonkinlaisen lähtökohtaisen rakenteen. No, kolmisen vuotta meni sen kehittämiseen, saapa nähdä milloin väitöskirja valmistuu... Mutta tuossa alla se nyt on pääpiirteissään, tarkempiakin ajatuksia lukujen sisällöistä kyllä on (ks. myös väitöskirjan tutkimussuunnitelma), mutta ei nyt jaksa tämän enempää.
On the train from Joensuu to Helsinki I suddenly came up with a disposition for my dissertation, or at least some kind of an idea what the structure might be like. I just wonder how long will it take to actually write my dissertation, when it took me about three years just to figure this out... so here it is as a rough sketch. I do have more detailed ideas about the contents of each chapter (see also my research plan), but this will do for now:
The Interaction of Dance and Music in West African Context: the Sabar Tradition of the Wolof People in Senegal
On the train from Joensuu to Helsinki I suddenly came up with a disposition for my dissertation, or at least some kind of an idea what the structure might be like. I just wonder how long will it take to actually write my dissertation, when it took me about three years just to figure this out... so here it is as a rough sketch. I do have more detailed ideas about the contents of each chapter (see also my research plan), but this will do for now:
The Interaction of Dance and Music in West African Context: the Sabar Tradition of the Wolof People in Senegal
- Introduction
- Theoretical framework and methodology
- Sabar: Instruments; Music; Dance; Event
- Interaction: Dance & Music (analysis); Social Interaction
- Meanings & Interpretations
- Conclusion